
2021.09.12 Community Yard Sale

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This Community yard sale was held at Janisse Funeral Home Parking Lot by Arbor Memorial. This was put on for multiple charities such as IRS, Guide Dogs, Alzheimer Society and Make A Wish just to name a few.

D'Arcy brought his guitars and sang a few songs.  Jon's wife came up to say that D'Arcy had a great voice and many others enjoyed his music which made D'Arcy feel good.  He also helped Stephen Morin with sound as he played his guitar.

I watched as the children had fun with the Magician and Juggler Bill Dileva.

We had a lot of fun.  We met Jon which I took a picture of with D'Arcy and all the people were so nice.

Then as I was sitting with some girls in their booth D'Arcy waved as he was leaving without me he drove across the street to get his car washed since that was part of the charity event.

We checked the used books being sold and D'Arcy found some that he had been looking for.

Then we said our good byes to Jon and the rest of the lovely people and we went to Swiss Chalet for a lovely supper.

Then we called it a day and went home.

D'Arcy playing at a charity event in Windsor

More pictures.