
2021.08.09 Getting Our New Glasses

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Said goodbye to Dr. Dean and staff and hello to Dr. Kara Jones once more.  It was Dr. Jones who examined our eyes and found cataracts.  She wrote us a letter while we were camping in Kingsville explaining cataracts and the procedure for the eye surgery.

She referred us to  Dr. M. Robin Dean in Windsor because he does eye surgery and he gladly took us on as his patients.  Had to put drops in for four weeks after each eye so eight weeks in all.  On July 20th at around 8 o'clock we finished giving the eye drops to each other.

Now that the eye surgeries are over we went back to see Dr. Jones.  Conveniently she also moved to Essex where we now live.

For me it is strange wearing no distance glasses since I have been wearing them for so long.  I still need reading glasses.  While waiting for our final test and new glasses we got some dollar store glasses to tide us over.

Today they called us and we picked up our new reading glasses.  Now that our cataract surgeries  are finished with it is nice to have our vision back.

Our new glasses

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