2017.08.31 Selling Our House

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We had a visit from our realtor Juanita Pringle who I've known for some years. In fact Juanita sold our current house to us. She brought along a listing agent Arthur Khaimov from Home Life/Vision Realty Inc. on Tuesday to discuss numbers and to take pictures of the house.

Ken, D'Arcy's brother, lent us his trailer which is in our drive way so we could load up things that we want to bring to our new RV. While our truck is getting all fixed up for a trade in.

It's not an easy task after so many years of collecting. I have a hard time giving things away. A funny story happened yesterday an item in D'Arcy office while he was working with Alex, a person that works with D'Arcy at Vybe, some markers on the wall near a white board that have been hanging on the wall for so many years decided to fall off the wall just yesterday. You would thing it was trying to tell us something.

Another hard thing about the move is saying good bye to all your friends we made during the years. Anyone who wants to make the trip to Cumberland near Ottawa are welcome. We have an air mattress and we can BBQ.

For Sale

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