2017.09.04 D'Arcy Turns Sixty-Seven

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D'Arcy and I joined family and friends at Lone Star in Pickering to celebrate D'Arcy's sixty-Seventh birthday.

Sitting at the table from left to right there was Howard, Patricia, Me, D'Arcy, Mary Garden, Ken, Mary, Monica and Jeremy.

We had a great time chatting and laughing. Our handsome server Scooter who took our dinner orders was great.

I asked Scooter if he could take a picture of the whole table and he gladly agreed. Since it was Labour Day I could not get a birthday cake so we ordered some of their great deserts. We could not let a birthday go by without a birthday song so the staff came out and gave D'Arcy a giant cowboy hat and they sang their version of Happy Birthday.

Now it was time to pay the bill everyone around the table gladly chipped in and paid for D'Arcy's and my dinner which was greatly appreciated and made Scooter's job a little harder but he was a good sport about this. For his first week at Lone Star if you can get though this you can get though anythings.

Well all good things must come to an end so we all said our good byes and headed our separate ways.

That if I may say is the end of a perfect evening.

Happy Birthday My Love.

Happy Birthday, Pardner

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