2017.08.03 Two Fours Play At Skwish Bar

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D'Arcy and I headed out to the Skwish Bar at 2252 Queen Street East here in Toronto where D'Arcy was asked by Wally, a founding member of The Two Fours, to join them on stage as their bass player for that night. It was a very small stage but The Two Fours made it work.

It was nice sitting down and talking to Chris, Wally's wife.

From left to right Karen and Susan sing, Wally on guitar and vocals, D'Arcy on bass and backup vocals and Corey on guitar and vocals. Carol and Corbin took a few pictures.

The place was packed and very responsive to the band. The audience sang along, clapped and danced.

I would say the evening was a success.

Two Fours at Skwish Aug 3, 2017

More pictures.