2017.05.13 Celebrating 45 Years of Marriage

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D'Arcy had a terrific idea this year to go to the Mysteriously Yours Dinner Theatre,for an evening of great food and mystery. As you make your reservation by phone they will ask you what special occasion you are celebrating. The characters get you to stand up and be part of the mystery.

We dressed up and off we went to Mysteriously Yours Dinner Theatre, where we saw and participated in "The Final Clue." It was an interactive event where we interacted with the actors and tried to figure out whodunnit.

We arrived early and D'Arcy enjoyed a Black Russian while I enjoyed a dark Rum and Coke to whet our palates. It was a table for four. Tiffany and Kristine joined us.

We took a picture of Tiffany but Kristine was camera shy. I took a couple of them together on their iPhone. Tiffany took a couple of us with my camera.

Then we enjoyed some Garlic Soup. I enjoyed lemon and herb marinated roasted salmon and D'Arcy had the braised beef and mushrooms. For dessert we had A S'mores tart and a carrot cake which we shared. We also enjoyed a bottle of French wine to toast our forty-five years of wedded bliss.

As we were seated in front of us was a copy of the play and places to put down clues as the characters moved from table to table dropping the odd clue so you could write them down. As the evening ended those that figured out who done it, with what and in which room were entered into a draw for some prizes. I guessed the who but not the where and what.

We didn't leave the Theatre until we got a picture of us with the characters.

We had was a fun evening. We recommend it to everyone to try it out. You will like it.

Carol, D'Arcy and the suspects

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