
2022.05.05 Happy Anniversary to us

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After talking it over rather than spending money fixing this RV we decided to buy a new one.  We even talked to Sun Parlour Trailers, who fix RV's, about taking the carpets out and fixing a few things like the window shades because as we fix them the cords keep breaking.  It was a hard decision to make because we like our RV but it has seen better days. We decided to sell our 2010 Landmark Grand Canyon.

What luck we found a newer RV right in the same campground.  It is a 2016 Forest River Columbus that was sold new in 2020.  It even comes with a shed and a gazebo.

We took Bill and Sue out for supper at 19th Hole Restaurant.  These are the two people that sold us the Columbus.

Do not worry Norma.  The bird from Arizona flies with us across the street to the new RV.

Palomino Columbus 2016

More pictures.