

2015.01.01 Recap of 2014

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The staff at Don Valley Health and Wellness
I finally started my physiotherapy at Don Valley Health and Wellness on January 6, 2014. I met some nice people there. D'Arcy and I walked in there the first day and talked to Angelo about my accident. Katie took over with a machine that sends current putting little patches on my knee and hip and a warm pad in that area. This machine is called Interferential Current (electrical modality.) Katie also gave me exercises to do at home. As well I work on the electric bike machine. That's all done on Monday. Thursday I get different people that gives me a massage to get my muscles working as well as Katie applying current on my knee and hip. The insurance cut me off on April 11, 2013. So I do my exercise every day at home.

D'Arcy playing with Mike Nagoda at the CD release party
As usual we spent a lot of time going to various performances and concerts. Often D'Arcy would be playing at them. We enjoyed Brian Cober's CD release party as well as the release party for Mike Nagoda's CD which on which D'Arcy was the bass player.

Carol on Wheel Trans
As I was in a wheelchair at the start of the year I got to see first hand how the visibly handicapped are treated. I am glad that I am walking around with a cane now and not in the wheelchair. Eventually I graduated to a walker and now I am walking with a cane.

I filed a lawsuit about the accident way back on October 19, 2013. To my surprise we ran into a snag. The insurance said I should have therapy which I did at Don Valley Health and Wellness and they would pay for it. I had to stop my therapy when they stopped paying.

D'Arcy was almost in this band
D'Arcy also joined a new band. With Paul Chambers on guitar, Peter Thompson on drums, Laurie Harvey on vocals and guitar and D'Arcy on Bass but the drummer left and they told D'Arcy the music was taking a new turn and D'Arcy wouldn't like it.

As you know I take pictures of jammers on stage. Sometimes the pictures gets in the paper.

Robynne and Bill - man and wife
We went to my niece's wedding on May 17th in Lanark Ontario, at Temples Sugar Bush. We had a great time getting together with family as well as meeting Bill's family. Robynne and Bill I hope you are happy as we are.

Director, star and fan of the movie Hunter Green
D'Arcy and I had the great pleasure of going to the Royal Theatre to see the premiere of the movie Hunter Green. Our friend Abbey Sholzberg is in the movie. He plays the role of "The Realtor". Directed by Anthony Oldland, the movie takes place in Niagara Falls. It was an interesting movie. There were some funny parts and some twists.

Holly and Joel dolls
On Sunday , August 24 in Vaughan at Paradise Banquet and Convention Centre D'Arcy and I attended our first Jewish wedding. Our Godchild Holly married the love of her life Joel.

Wayne, Andy, D'Arcy and Brian
D'Arcy played with Brian Cober, Wane Cudney and Andy McNeilly in Kirkfield In Fenlon Falls. The stage was an old hay wagon. The sky was threatening to rain but it held off all night. The seats were bales of hay.

The Cains and the Cavanaghs at Joe Cain's funeral
We said Goodbye to D'Arcy's uncle Tommy Cavanagh passed away on Setember 11, 2014. Tommy is on D'Arcy's father Joe's side of the family. Tommy leaves his son Frank and daughter Julia. Tommy was Joe Cain's cousin although they grew up as brothers along with Tommy's sister Sheila.

Vex.Meet 2014
This year we hosted the Vex.Meet at Watt's Restaurants in Eglinton Square because of the closing of Route 66. Vex.Meet is a party D'Arcy and I put on for our clients every year to thank them for their support and patronage.

Carol and D'Arcy - Ukelele monsters
D'Arcy and I went to a fantastic event at the Science Centre yesterday called The Science of Rock 'n Roll exhibition. D'Arcy got a picture with Steve Cropper.

We said goodbye to our musical friend Garry Patrick Henry O'Keefe. Garry passed away on August 26th, 2014. He was only in his sixties.

Camping at Alpine 2014
We went camping at Alpine RV Resort in Lindsay on October 6th in our comfy fifth wheel. Gave us one last chance before we brought it to Owasco in Whitby on Thursday October 9th to have it winterized.

Charlene and Carol - Thanksgiving 2014

We spent Thanksgiving with our friends Charlene and Bryan. Before we left Charlene picked some carrots to take home. We ate those carrots for months there were so many.

Leroys birthday 2014
We were invited to celebrate our good friends Leroy St Germane's Birthday At Occasion Restaurant. With his friends.

I had an interview with Wheel Trans. They renewed my registration for another year.

Nice spread by Gary and Jenny
We met with Jeremy and Stephanie for Christmas dinner at the home of Gary and Jenny. As usual it was a great time.