
2019.05.18 BSDCan 2019 in Ottawa

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D'Arcy and I left to attend the BSDCan 2019. D'Arcy is part of the BSD group. This year we traveled from Kittawa Campground in Limgoes on the outskirts of Ottawa. This conference takes place every year at the University of Ottawa, in the Desmarais building.

Thursday night D'Arcy registered and picked up his registration package at the Royal Oak.

Friday morning before we left our RV both D'Arcy and I worked on our computer. Then we made our way to the University of Ottawa for an all day of meeting, and talks. I sat in a few but it was all over my head. I forgot my cane at home. It was lucky I had another Cain to hold me up so I would not fall.

Then we walked to Palais Imperial Chines where we usually take over the place with the big crowd from BSDCan. Then for a extra treat Mike, Greg, Andrew, Zachary, Patrick, D'Arcy and I went to have some gelato.

Off to the campground for me and D'Arcy because my legs were sore. For the first time we took a Lyft car to our truck at Park and Fly.

Then Saturday I put my cane right in front of the door so I would not forget it, Saturday was much of the same except Dan hosted an auction at the end of the day. They hold an auction to raise money for a local men's shelter. Besides various gifts from sponsors they auctioned off special items including items found that may have been forgotten by attendees. People have been known to have to bid to get their own items back. However, it is all in fun and the money all goes to charity.

It is the traditional that Groff be handed to the next person that is going to the next BSD conference. Groff has his own passport. This year he is off to Norway.

Afterwards we all went to the the Sen's House for Supper, drinks and some socializing.

Bye for now. We hope to see all our friends again at BSDCan 2020.

Groff and Dan

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