1985 Goodbye to Elvis

Last updated: None
Elvis: 1978 - 1985
Elvis: 1978 - 1985

Just shortly after we moved to Toronto from Montreal, in 1978 my husband D'Arcy, gave me a handsome 13 week old black and white male kitten for my birthday. We lived at 670 Parliment Street at the time. I remember D'Arcy comming home with a kitten tucked under his coat and the cat let out a meow. I was thrilled with my new kitten. D'Arcy got the kitten from the Ontario Humane Society cat shelter at 751 Kennedy Road, Scarborough. As I was an Elvis Presley fan, we called him Elvis.

He moved from place to place with us. When my parents came to visit D'Arcy and I at the apartment Elvis would stand on the inside window pane and my father would be out on the balcony playing tag. He developed a temper, I guess this was the first stage of his sickness.

We moved to a stacked townhouse on Kennedy Road with my brother in law Ken. My brother Alan his wife and children came to visit at the stacked townhouse and they were afraid to go up or down the stairs for Elvis was guarding the stairs so I went to get him.

We moved for the last time with Elvis to Manse Road from an apartment to a townhouse with my sister in law Monica and my brother Ken. Finally he succumbed to feline leukemia and we had to take him to the veterinarian. We said our goodbyes then they put him to sleep.

Elvis, you will always be missed.