Eggless, Sugarless, Fatless Fruit Cake

From: (Lol Grant)

The following recipe comes from Rose Elliot's "Beanfeast" book (Rose
is one of many excellent English vegetarian cookery authors). I
haven't tried this recipe myself, since I hate fruit cake, and as I
said previously, I never cook nowadays.

This recipe was reproduced in a free flyer distirbuted by a
health-food store in the UK, so I guess it's public domain. If not, it
is reproduced here, as they say, without permission:

Amazing Eggless Fatless Sugarless Fruit Cake.

Makes one 2lb. loaf size cake.

8oz. cooking dates.
10. fl. oz. water (275ml I believe).
1 lb. mixed dried fruit.
6oz. plain wholewheat flour.
1 Tablespoon carob powder (optional).
3 tspns. baking powder (soda).
1 tspn mixed spice.
The grated rind of one orange or one lemon.
1oz. ground almonds.
4 Tablespooons orange juice.
flaked almonds for the topping.

Set oven to 160°C (325°F, Gas mark 3). Grease a 2lb. loaf tin and
line it with greaseproof paper. Put dates and water into a saucepan
and heat gently till dates are soft, then remove from heat and mash to
break up the dates. Add all the other ingredients (except the flaked
almonds for the topping, of course). Spoon into the loaf tin, and
level off the top. Sprinkle with the flaked almonds, and bake for 1hr
30mins, till a skewer comes out clean. Let it stand fro 5 minutes at
romm temperature before turning it out to cool on a wire rack.

Let me know how this turns out for you. Although a vegetarian of the
brown-and-boring variety, Rose is generally reliable.