Boston Cranberry Pie

This recipe was taken from _The United States Regional Cookbook_ (by
The Culinary Arts Institute, Ruth Beroltheizer, ed., Consolidated Book
Publishers, Inc., 1947).  It's a wonderful cookbook, BTW - well worth
picking up if you can ever find a copy :-).

                       Boston Cranberry Pie

2 tablespoons cornstarch              1 cup seedless raisins
1 cup sugar                           2 cups cranberries
1/4 teaspoon salt                     1 tablespoon margarine
1 1/4 cups hot water
                 1 recipe Plain Pastry (following)

Blend cornstarch with sugar and salt, gradually add hot water and cook
in double boiler until mixture thickens, stirring constantly.  Add the
raisins, cranberries, and butter, and cook 5 minutes.  Line piepan with
pastry and brush with melted butter.  Add filling, and cover top with
1/2 inch strips of pastry, crisscrossed.  Bake in a very hot oven (450
degrees F) for 20 minutes.  Makes 1 9-inch pie.

                         Plain Pastry

2 cups sifted flour                   4 to 6 tablespoons cold water
3/4 teaspoon salt                     2/3 cup shortening

Sift flour and salt together and cut in shortening with 2 knives or
pastry blender, until consistency of course meal.  Add the water, using
only a small portion at a time, until the mixture will hold together.
Divide the dough into 2 parts.  Roll out on a floured board to desired
size.  Makes 2 9-inch shells or one 2-crust 9-inch pie.